We are very happy to share with you that today theQUECHUA muralinspired by the PALLAY weavers, located in Travessa do Liceu, Morro da Conceição. Center – Rio de Janeiro.
"The third mural of the Murais do Abya Yala project portrays the process of textile production and the transmission of knowledge in the high Andean community of Quechua origin, to which we had access through the work of cultural rescue and sustainable fashion carried out by @PallayCusco, together with the high Andean weavers of the Acchahuata community"
We want to thank John Souza and Nathalia Reyes for inviting us to be part of this great project that promotes art with the history of our native peoples of America, leaving an important legacy by communicating ancestral textile techniques that are still alive, thanks to transmitting their knowledge from generation to generation. in generation.