The Importance of the Handmade: Valuing Craftsm...
In a world dominated by mass production and fast fashion, handmade stands as a symbol of authenticity, dedication and sustainability. Each handcrafted piece tells a story, a story that cannot...
The Importance of the Handmade: Valuing Craftsm...
In a world dominated by mass production and fast fashion, handmade stands as a symbol of authenticity, dedication and sustainability. Each handcrafted piece tells a story, a story that cannot...
Sustainability at PALLAY: commitment to the env...
In a world where climate change and unbridled consumption are at the center of conversations, at PALLAY We believe that it is possible to make a difference through sustainable practices that...
Sustainability at PALLAY: commitment to the env...
In a world where climate change and unbridled consumption are at the center of conversations, at PALLAY We believe that it is possible to make a difference through sustainable practices that...
Visual Health in the High Andean Communities
In the heart of the Peruvian Andes, in the community of Challwaccocha, we met Gregoria Yupanqui, a talented 51-year-old weaver. Her story reminds us of the importance of eye health...
Visual Health in the High Andean Communities
In the heart of the Peruvian Andes, in the community of Challwaccocha, we met Gregoria Yupanqui, a talented 51-year-old weaver. Her story reminds us of the importance of eye health...
BIC Management Report
1. General information and brief reference to the organization that prepares the Management Report: CTC SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANTS SAC CTC Consultores is a company dedicated to consulting in social responsibility and...
BIC Management Report
1. General information and brief reference to the organization that prepares the Management Report: CTC SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANTS SAC CTC Consultores is a company dedicated to consulting in social responsibility and...
We are a BIC company!
WE ARE A BIC COMPANY! At PALLAY we have acquired the Collective Benefit and Interest Society (BIC), which reaffirms our triple impact purpose through sustainable practices aligned with the SDGs...
We are a BIC company!
WE ARE A BIC COMPANY! At PALLAY we have acquired the Collective Benefit and Interest Society (BIC), which reaffirms our triple impact purpose through sustainable practices aligned with the SDGs...
FORBES PERU – Garments with soul made by weavers
The ancestral legacy is interwoven with the emotions of women from the high Andean communities and with the encouragement of a couple who undertook a sustainable life project called Pallay....
FORBES PERU – Garments with soul made by weavers
The ancestral legacy is interwoven with the emotions of women from the high Andean communities and with the encouragement of a couple who undertook a sustainable life project called Pallay....