
Navidad ¡Feliz Renacer!

Christmas, Happy Reborn!

Christmas is lived in very different ways, whether we are believers or not. Some seek to reunite with the family, others give it a more religious meaning, others fully immerse...

Christmas, Happy Reborn!

Christmas is lived in very different ways, whether we are believers or not. Some seek to reunite with the family, others give it a more religious meaning, others fully immerse...

Tejer en los Andes, un diálogo con el origen

Weaving in the Andes, a dialogue with the origin

Paulina, a high Andean weaver from the Acchahuata community, stakes four sticks in the ground to begin her journey towards assembling the cloak, with the technique that her grandmother and...

Weaving in the Andes, a dialogue with the origin

Paulina, a high Andean weaver from the Acchahuata community, stakes four sticks in the ground to begin her journey towards assembling the cloak, with the technique that her grandmother and...